Good morning sunshine,
I’m your coach, Kim Reilly.

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A health-obsessed sun baby all the way from South Africa. I have been traveling this beautiful planet for 7 years now, and for the past 4 years, I have been living on a boat crossing oceans and coastlines. And now, I have chosen to live and love in Bali, Indonesia (also known as, the island of the gods). It has been a long, amazing, happy journey to get me to this point in my life – living in one place (and not out of a bag), and taking on a role as a health coach and literally turning my passion into work.
I haven’t always been educated on the meaning of holistic health and what it means to be “healthy”. I thought that just meant eating a green salad 3 times a day, and oh how wrong I was. Let me tell you a quick story about my journey towards Tulua Sun, my journey to wellness… I finished school and went straight into the University of Stellenbosch and here I received my Bachelor of Commerce degree, and I still didn’t feel quite fulfilled and I still felt like there was more I need to know. So, I went on to the University of Cape Town, where I studied a Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship, and oh my soul I was obsessed with this diploma. It was a year of hard work, learning to network, and actually create a business. My team created a dear venture known as “Thrift”. With Thrift, we went to charity stores and bought a heap of clothing from them as our material (the money spent went straight to the charities of course), we then turned these clothes into trendy, sustainable backpacks where we employed the exquisite locals to manufacture them.
This little venture by no means made us rich in terms of money, but it made us rich in so many other ways – we were giving back to the community, and we were sustainable – and that warmed our hearts more than any amount of money ever could. And this is when the sustainable bug bit me… After that, I went and did a ski season in Vail, Colorado and it was at this point, after eating fast food almost daily, I got bitten by the health bug. I left Colorado feeling bloated, weak, and just plain old unhealthy. I detested this feeling. And so, the appreciation for healthy food kicked in. And I have never felt better.
After America, I went over to Vietnam to teach English as a second language. I spent 2 years here and I loved every second of it. But I noticed my skin starting to turn on me, the bags under my eyes got bigger and I started feeling “sluggish”, and it was at this point I started to see the power of lifestyle. And I am so grateful for this point in my life because it managed to direct me to the second love of my life (my first being Matthew James Don Gregory) – YOGA. I found my love for yoga buried in the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi Minh city, and I have never looked back, not even for a split second…
“Every morning we are born again. What we do today matters most.”
— Buddh

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I missed the ocean, at this point, and the sea was calling… so to the salty air, I went. Where I worked on yachts for 4 years, sailing the seas and seeing beauty that I can’t even begin to explain. It was this phase of my life where I found it. I FINALLY FOUND IT! I finally found what I had been searching for all these years, my passion. It was health, wellness, nutrition, and all things holistic- it was riddled with love and compassion and gratitude, and with this realisation, I found pure bliss. I became 100% plant-based from my head tomatoes during my time on the boats, for every reason possible – ethical, sustainable, moral, everything – I believe in everything the peaceful lifestyle stands for.
Now, I felt like I knew exactly who I was and I wanted to share it with the world. I wanted to share all this knowledge that I have learned over my years but didn’t feel qualified to do so, so I decided to fix that little problem and that’s where I found Integrative Nutrition, a New York based Institution that trains you to become a holistic health coach, yip that’s me! I studied this whilst still working on the boat, finding WIFI in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was challenging at times, but alas - here I am!
Now, I was qualified and ready to take on the world and share my truth and help others. So, I left the boats and flew back home. But after my IIN course, my thirst for knowledge still wasn’t quite quenched, I wanted to know more. So, I dug deeper into the gut health and now it’s my specialty. Yes, amazing – now I am ready to take on the world! But wait, one more thing, just a few missing pieces of knowledge to make my program the best in the business…
Yes, my Yoga Teachers Training. That will do it, that is the missing piece of my puzzle! So back to Bali I go, and I lived and breathed and slept and ate yoga for a month straight and it was one of the most unforgettable, life-changing experiences I could only have ever dreamed about. The people I met, and the things I learned – I cannot wait to share it with you all.
Feeling inspired and motivated, TULUA SUN was then created. And what a happy time it has been watching her blossom, watching her grow. I had manifested this dream for a very long time and dodged many self-doubt bullets to get to this point, but I put on my big girl pants, gave myself some magic fairy “believe in yourself” dust and opened my heart and mind to bring Tulua Sun to life. After the birth of the business, to Bali we go (once covid19 lets us out), to live the island life with my partner in crime. Our simple life. We have followed our passions and it's lead us to Bali (eventually… when these borders open)… And now I feel I am living my truth; I am exactly where I have always hoped I’d be.With a heart overflowing with love and gratitude, and a brain full of wholesome knowledge – I can’t wait to meet you and pass on the understanding and love. I am so excited to provide you with tools and methods that will give you your very own dream life, your very own Bali!
Sign up with me today, be kind to yourself, and give yourself the lifestyle that you deserve. And thanks to the gift of the internet - I’m only a video call away, so whether you are in Antarctica or New Zealand or the North pole or wherever you may be in this universe, come and change your life, come find the answers you have been looking for.
Sending sunshine and love always, Kim